Meet the Team

We promise you the wisdom of senior level counsel at every step. We assemble a custom team for each project, ensuring you a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience difficult to find in one firm.


Jon Pushkin

Founder & President

PR Agent

Caty Carrico

Digital Strategy • Public Relations • Crisis Communications

Smiling woman with red hair

Monica McCafferty

Public Affairs

Kate Stabrawa, Denver Public Relations professional specializing in health care PR

Kate Stabrawa

Healthcare PR Strategy • Media Relations • Corporate Communications

Denver PR Professional

Diana Crawford

Media Relations • Social Media Strategy • Account Management

Smiling public relations professional with red hair wearing a white shirt and holding a laptop

Kelsey Matheson

Digital Marketing • Public Relations • Account Management

Smiling public relations expert

Deana Cardona

Public Relations • Content Development • Account Coordination

Erica Jaffe, a Denver videographer

Erica Jaffe

Videography • Digital Media

Dan Christopherson

Crisis Communications • PR Strategy • Marketing